It means victory through harmony. After 2.5 weeks break I came back, it was a last round in the Thursdays club. I got the expected White, my opponent was a boy whom I defeated in the beginning of January, I had White then as well. We repeated the same opening and same Tarrasch variation in French. We followed the book and played the opening moves pretty fast .

On move 16 after my Bg5 he got into a serious thinking for at least 15 minutes, maybe more. I considered 16… Nd5 or Be7, so that in the first case I will probably take on d5 and in the second one for some time exercised Nf5, but after seeing Bd8 decided not to play it. Finally he suddenly played 16… e5. Taking on f6 looked like it could rather lead to his counterattack on the kingside than to my attack. Computer told me that 16… e5 was a mistake and I could exchange on f6 with ~1.5 advantage.

We continued the struggle in the center, he was getting behind on time more and more. His move 25… Rfe8 created a threat of e3, after some consideration I played Nc2, it is a computer move. At that moment I thought about offering a draw, he had essentially less time than me, but I didn’t like the idea of my offer being refused and my position was good, so why not to play…?

His 26… Be6 surprised me, I exchanged on e6 of course. Then he made a mistake playing 28… Nd7. I saw his idea to get the knight on d3, but decided to ignore it and added fuel to the fire by playing c4. After his 29… Qc6 I quickly replied Rd6 and then after 30… Qb7 31. Qd2 his knight got into a serious trouble. I think he had less than 1 minute at that moment.

I knew that my 34. cxd7 isn’t probably the best, but having 6-7 minutes left (with 15 second increment) tried to keep the things simple. Computer wants to play 34. Ng4 following with Qg5. I eventually played 36. Ng4 with the idea of getting to c6. He helped me with that by 36… Kf7, at that moment he had only a few seconds left and played on increment. After his 44… Kg8 it was a mate in 3 and he resigned.